Ahead of the brand launch in 2019, Pari Passu 3D scanned over 7,500 plus-size women to create three fit types (B, C, and D), with patterns and size grading specific to each. For background, most designers create their fit based on only one body shape — the idealized (and fairly uncommon) hourglass — and then size up and down from there, which makes for a poor fit for other body types. While, in the years since, Pari Passu has become known for high-quality workwear, as the brand got to know its customer, it realized that formalwear was a massively underserved area in the plus market. This inspired the launch of Made-to-Measure, a collection of 17 looks for size 12+ shoppers, in August. By having in-depth fit info for all of the most common body types at the ready from prior research, Pari Passu’s made-to-measure process requires fewer fit sessions than typical custom experience would usually entail.
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